Lesson 1- Images Classification using CNN

Lesson 1 Wiki


When we backpropagate we use our training set loss.

If our validation loss is greater then out training loss our model is overfitting.

.fit method


Insert Image from lesson 1 of cosine annealing

Insert Image from lesson 2 35:01

cycle_mult doubling the length of cycle after each cycle insert image lesson2 53:30


Choosing a learning rate

What is a learning rate?

lrf uses mini-batches to find the optimal learning rate

Improving Model Through Data Augmentation

Allows us to further train our model on images the have been augmented, so essentially the model is trained on new images.

insert image-hi

tfms - we can transform images different ways.

aug_tfms= can have transform_side_on or transform_top_down

-how do we want to transform our model

We need to set pre-compute to false for the data augmentation to work

-can change the train name trn_name= and validation name val_name= of files in the tfms_from_model method and also include the test folder


need further explanation

freezing layers

Only training the last one/two layers as the first pre-trained convolution/layers have been trained already and are very good at recognising basic shapes and features. when we want to start fine tuning out network we can start un freezing layer by layer.

We can create an array of learning rates for each group of layers super low learning rates for layers at the front , middle learning rates for middle layers and bigger learning rates for the last layers.


lr = np.array[1e-4,1e-3,1e-2]

using test time augmentation

learn.TT() actually augmenting the test images incase key features are being cropped out

confusion matrix

Steps To Train an image Classifier

  1. Enable data augmentation, and precompute=True
  2. Use lr_find() to find highest learning rate where loss is still clearly improving
  3. Train last layer from precomputed activations for 1-2 epochs
  4. Train last layer with data augmentation (i.e. precompute=False) for 2-3 epochs with cycle_len=1
  5. Unfreeze all layers
  6. Set earlier layers to 3x-10x lower learning rate than next higher layer
  7. Use lr_find() again
  8. Train full network with cycle_mult=2 until over-fitting

Dog Breeds - Kaggle playground comp - starts at 1:18

brief on pandas

increase size of image from data set lesson 2 1:33

different architectures